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Kevin Jean Blacket.jpg


ACTRA 06-05651

Height: 6’3"
Hair&Eye Colour: Brown
Location: Montreal QC, Canada
Willing to travel

Encore Entertainment

Andi State

(514) 282-1408

  • City Boy, Mike, Amanda Goldberg

  • Honestly, OK, Man, Plaid Thursdays Productions, Stuart Fink 

  • Bard Fiction, Brittanus/Sprint, Beyond The Mountain, Christopher Moore

  • Julius Caesar, Metellus Cimber, M.S.T.C., Aaron George, Jane Needles, Christopher Moore

  • Glory Dazed, Ray, Waterworks Company, Tracey Houston

  • Brighella, Valentino, Collective Productions, Adam Alberts

  • The American Clock, Livermore/Sheriff, John Abbott College, Terry Donald

  • Jitters, Phil Mastorakis, John Abbott College, Robert Burns

  • *Under Milk Wood, Mr. Pugh/Utah Watkins, JAC'N'Burgh, Joan Mcbride

  • Romeo & Juliet, Servant/Choreographer, John Abbott College, Robert Burns

  • To Kill A Mockingbird, Jem/Boo Radley, John Abbott College, Robert Burns

  • A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge, John Rennie, James Colley


*Performed Under Milk Wood in Montreal, and in The Edinburgh Fringe Festival.









Drivers License

Basic Stage Combat


- Canadian Improv Games National Gold Medalist.

- Current Director of the Montreal Canadian Improv Games.

- Performed at The Montreal Improv Theatre as a member of The Next Act Festival.

- Vicious Fish "Instant Order: Trial by Audience", Guest Star at the Edinburgh Fringe.

- Taught improv workshops to kids from the ages six to eighteen.

- Cast Member Of Plaid Thursdays WFIIA.


- Jasen Pangburn, The Detectives.

- Steakhouse Waiter, Mohawk Girls.

- Waiter, The Art Of More. 

- Soldier, Past & Future Kings.

- Breaking Big, Concordia Student Film.



Training & Workshops

New York Conservatoy of Dramatic Arts:

SCENE STUDY: Neal Lerner VOICEOVER: Andrea Kessler COMMERCIAL: Rawleigh Moreland

CHEKHOV: Janice Orlandi SHAKESPEARE: Greg Seel STAGE COMBAT: Erica Gould


John Abbott College, Professional Theatre:

ACTING: Robert Burns, Terry Donald MOVEMENT: Zachary Fraser, Anana Rydvald                       VOICE: Rea Nolan IMPROV: Al Connors, Kirsten Rasmussen

- Canadian Improv Games National Workshops: 2009 - 2011


- Cirque du Soleil, Clown Workshop.

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